In short: I like this yoga place.
There are two yoga studios very nearby my work - Purple Yoga and this place, Sanctuary Yoga. Both have comparable introductory deals - two weeks for $25 at Purple, $30 at Sanctuary. I went for several sessions at Purple Yoga and just did not like the vibe there. I'm not a hardcore yoga fanatic but I'm not too terrible either. One of my least favorite traits in a yoga instructor is persistent fussing with my body while I'm holding a position. I know my down-dog isn't perfect, but hey, please stop hovering and skootching my fingertips ever so slightly wider, thank you. All the extra attention makes me self conscious.
Thankfully, Sanctuary Yoga is nothing like this. My first class was Restorative Yoga with Colleen and I could not have loved it more. Plagued by a perpetually tight upper back, this yoga class really helped ease my sore muscles and settle my busy mind. Sanctuary offers a wide array of different types of yoga classes - even yoga babysitting!
While not exactly within my $15 budget, I went to several classes so I feel like this qualifies under the Tustin Adventuring rules. I'd like to keep going to more. They even have massage and aromatherapy and other fun stuff to relax the busy adventurer.
Sanctuary Yoga
505 W 1st Street
Tustin, CA 92780
$30 for two weeks unlimited classes
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